VR Demonstrates Mechanism of Action for Accupril
StrayLight Corp. has developed a Virtual Reality (VR) trade show promotion for Parke-Davis' Accupril hypertension medication. "Vessel Command" is a VR game, which virtually sends doctors inside the bloodstream to experience Accupril's mechanism of action (how it works in the body, on a molecular level). The VR promotion was so successful when it debuted at the American Diabetes Association show in San Antonio (lines were over 30 people deep), Parke-Davis booked "Vessel Command" for 2 additional events, the National Medical Association show and the much larger American Academy of Family Physicians show for this fall.

Parke-Davis wanted to create excitement at the show level for this mature brand, which would attract medical doctors to their booth. They needed to accomplish these goals on a modest budget. StrayLight's creative team held brainstorming sessions with the product manager, tuning the concept to meet Parke-Davis' strict regulatory codes and still offer an exciting VR Experience. StrayLight recommended working with one of their existing game templates, which allowed Parke-Davis to stay within their production budget. "Vessel Command" opened with a short animated video illustrating the pharmacology, and then players were virtually sent down the bloodstream to lock Accupril molecules into the appropriate receptor sites. This was accomplished with new artwork, voice-overs, sound effects, and game programming.

Two of StrayLight's VR platforms were rented and the real-time game action was visible to bystanders through a large video wall and 2 individual plasma screens connected to each VR station. The game is played on StrayLight's stand-up Virtual Reality stations. Each player has the freedom to look around the 360° computerized-world, by wearing a Virtual Reality helmet, complete with a sophisticated tracking system. The players direct their game action with a hand controller.