Who We Are
StrayLight Corp. is in its 18th year of operations and is one of the oldest firms producing 3D Videography, Animation, Interactive Multimedia and turnkey web activities for corporate promotions. Through StrayLight's creativity and quality of work, we have built a strong reputation as the leading creative media specialist for trade shows, promotions, special events and web delivery, both inter and intra net.
What We Do
StrayLight supplies interactive cutting-edge 3D, Interactive, and Web experiences which are the heart of successful special event and on/off-premise promotions. StrayLight uses these specialized media to capture consumer interest and present client messages with the greatest impact. StrayLight's content and systems take consumers inside their client's products and services by immersing them in computer-generated environments. These virtual environments allow our guests to interact with marketing messages, and therefore increase their retention levels by educating and entertaining simultaneously.
StrayLight works with clients through all phases of the development process; forming creative designs, producing custom software, integrating hardware, delivering systems, and providing technical training and support. Most importantly, StrayLight helps clients choose the most effective approach to meet their marketing needs such as; elevating brand awareness, re-enforcing a corporate image, increasing trade show booth traffic, increasing sales leads, providing unique entertainment, and attracting media attention.
Who Are StrayLight's Clients?
StrayLight is the industry leader in custom designed Interactive Media systems for medical education, mechanism of action, corporate promotions and special events. StrayLight's projects have been seen worldwide for numerous Interactive Media tours and marketing events, and have a proven track record of efficiency and reliability. StrayLight has developed hundreds custom 3D and interactive productions. A sample of StrayLight's customers include: ABBOTT Laboratories, Astra-Zeneca, AT&T, AVIS, Bancredito, Blockbuster Entertainment, CableTron Systems, Chase Bank, City of Chicago, Danzka Vodka, Disney Resorts, First Union, Frontier Communications, IBM Corp., Grateful Dead, Hennessy Cognac, Hoechst Celanese, ITT Educational Services, Jim Beam Brands, Kraft Foods, Merck, Michigan State Univ., Nabisco, Novo Nordisk, Oracle, Oticon, Parke-Davis, Pfizer, PGA Tour, Rockwell Automation, Royal Caribbean, Sanofi-Aventis, Shire, Steel Recycling Institute, Suzuki, TAP Pharmaceuticals, UCB Pharma, USA Networks, Visa, and Warner-Lambert.
