Virtual Currency for Chase Bank
Excitement for the new European Currency, the Euro, is everywhere, even inside the world of Virtual Reality. StrayLight Corp., the leading developer of VR (Virtual Reality) promotions, custom designed a VR Currency Game for Chase Bank. Inside this artificial world, players are flown down an evolving currency tunnel, and faced with the challenge of transforming dozens of Deutsche Marks, French Francs, and Italian Lira, into the new Euro!

This hi-tech promotion attracted attendees into Chase’s booth at the Treasury Management Association Trade Show, in Orlando, Florida. The Virtual Reality participants stepped into the VR platforms, called 3D-XTC(tm) systems, and were given a VR helmet and a hand controller, which helped them navigate through the currency maze.

Chase selected StrayLight Corp. for content development, VR equipment rental, and VR event management. Each of the two Virtual Reality systems were placed in the front corners of the booth and were connected to individual Plasma Screens, A/V Monitors and speaker systems. The booth designers, Graphic Presentation Systems of Piscataway, NJ, chose this layout to increase Chase’s presence on the show floor.

Show attendees lined up around the booth to play the game, and people in the aisles were intrigued by the real-time graphics on the display monitors and the unusual site of players wearing the hi-tech Virtual Reality helmets. Chase also customized the VR helmets with their show logo and tag line, "Seeing the World Through Your Eyes".

Chase Bank chose to modify an existing 3D-XTC(tm) game, "Cozmik Debris II" instead of producing a new game from scratch. Designed specifically as a game-source or template for corporate promotions, "Cozmik Debris II" offers maximum product exposure, with tremendous sponsorship opportunities. The cost savings of customization vs. new creation is enormous; it also allows for a much faster development schedule.