Medical - Pharmaceutical

StrayLight serves a number of industries, but maintains a strong focus on Pharmaceutical, Medical, and Biotechnology clientele. StrayLight excels in these areas through scientific expertise, superior animation, graphics and postproduction skills, strong experience with regulatory oversight, concept and story creation facilities, and structured, timeline driven development processes.


Abbott Laboratories wanted to develop interest in their new monoclonal antibody treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. StrayLight developed a full-length 3D stereoscopic animation which is viewed at trade shows through 10 individual Virtual Reality headmounted displays.

This Virtual Theater has been a huge draw to Abbott's booths. Inside the experience physicians dive down to the cellular and molecular level to experience first hand the evolution of rheumatoid arthritis therapies, culminating in Abbott's fully human monoclonal antibody.

This experience made it's debut at the American College or Rheumatology Conference in San Francisco's Moscone Center, in November of 2001, and has continued to be featured at domestic and international conferences in 2002, and 2003.


StrayLight developed a fully interactive journey inside the bloodstream of a hemophiliac patient to demonstrate the remarkable coagulating effects of Novo Nordisk's genetically engineered drug, NovoSeven.

The Virtual Reality guests' mission is to locate the site of bleeding wounds and to apply NovoSeven, which causes the wounds to seal and stop bleeding. Physicians see first hand the complex interaction of the various clotting factors, which NovoSeven stimulates into action.

"The NovoSeven Experience" was first shown at the American Association of Blood Banks Transfusion Medicine Expo in San Antonio, in October of 2001, and has been featured at numerous domestic and international shows since then.



For UCB Pharma, StrayLight Corp. developed an interactive VR promotion, which takes doctors inside the network of neurons in the brain, to explore the action of KEPPRA and epileptic flare-ups.

"Seizure Control" opens with an animated video, followed by three competitive subsections, each including an educational slide and narrative, and concludes with a fair balance section.

This VR promotion launched at the American Epilepsy Society 2000 show and has made several appearances at industry events, such as the American Academy of Neurology.


Parke-Davis wanted to create excitement at the show level for their mature brand, ACCUPRIL, a hypertension medication. StrayLight developed a promotion illustrating ACCUPRIL's mechanism of action. With an opening animated video, an interactive VR experience, and a fair balance conclusion, "Vessel Command" educated doctors by taking them virtually inside the bloodstream. StrayLight worked from concept to delivery, including regulatory review.

This promotion debuted at the American Diabetes Association and has appeared at the National Medical Association and the American Academy of Family Physicians shows.


For Warner-Lambert's Zantac75, StrayLight developed an interactive journey through the capillaries of the stomach.

Starting on a molecular level, each "Fantastic Voyage" ride challenges the guest to save the stomach from painful heartburn. Zantac75's effectiveness in blocking histamine molecules, and thus reducing acid production, is also illustrated with an animated video.

This extremely successful promotion has appeared at events such as Digestive Disease Week, National Community Pharmacists Association, and the American Academy of Family Physicians.

International Partners Wanted

New VR Theater
Launch at ADA

VR Experience
for Kidney Disease

3D Ride Film
On Tour

VR Headlines
Michigan State

Copyright (c) 2007
StrayLight Corp.