Featured 3D Expert at Asian University Presentations

Tony Asch, StrayLight's founder, has lead a series of 3D and Virtual Reality presentations and lectures at Thapar University and National Institute of Technology, Trichy (NITT), both top ranked universities in India. Because of high student interest, the presentations were spread over multiple days at each institution, devoting about 2 hours for each group of several hundred undergraduates, grad students, and faculty. In addition offering a technical grounding, Mr. Asch presented several StrayLight produced 3D movies with background on how they were produced, as well as a hands on Virtual Reality demonstration with selected class members.

At NITT, StrayLight also staged a live 3D telepresence event featuring a mix of traditional and modern Indian dance performances, relayed in full 3D from the performance stage into a large 3D theater with an audience of over 1,000. Such live events are only now becoming commercially viable in the US, and this live 3D performance was a first in India.

Several more StrayLight asian presentation tours are scheduled for 2009.