StrayLights Virtual Reality Systems Headline a 2nd Worldwide Promotional Tour for DANZKA VODKA

Overwhelming Success from European VR Tour expands to Mexico

StrayLight Specializes in VR Promotions for the Liquor Industry with Expanded Custom Tours for HENNESSY COGNAC, JIM BEAM, and DANISCO


Mexico City, Mexico, June 30, 1997 - StrayLight Corp., Warren, New Jersey, has just completed delivery of their second customized Virtual Reality system for Danisco Distillers, to be used in a promotional tour for DANZKA VODKA. StrayLights portable Virtual Reality 3D-XTC(tm) system was used last year and again this year, to introduce the Danish Vodka to Spain. Through on-premise promotions held at various bars, clubs, and restaurants, the Virtual Reality (VR), promotion significantly increased brand awareness, and the 3D-XTC(tm) VR system was chosen as the vehicle to attract the same attention to DANZKA VODKA in Mexico, with an expanded Virtual Reality Tour for 1997.

StrayLights 3D-XTC(tm) systems send players inside a real-time, interactive, three dimensional computer generated world. Here players don a Virtual Reality head-mounted display and maneuver with a 2 button hand controller, to explore the exhilarating VR terrain. The excitement from the VR action adventure, "DANZKA VODKA ON METAL", was shared by all the bar patrons through a large projection system, coupled with a 25 inch display monitor, which was directly linked to StrayLights 3D-XTC(tm) computer system.

StrayLight customized an existing Virtual Reality game with DANZKA VODKA logos, product placements, and video clips, for additional product impressions and a completely integrated cutting edge promotional campaign. Danisco Distillery saved a significant amount in development costs, by choosing to use an already existing experience, and adding custom components.

The DANZKA VODKA tour was able to visit locations of all sizes, due to the small footprint of the 3D-XTC(tm) system, less than 12 square feet. Because the 3D-XTC(tm) systems are specifically designed for the promotions market, they are extremely portable, and take less than 10 minutes to install and begin game play. The tour managers saved on logistical pre-site inspection costs, and transportation costs, as a result of the compact design of the system and the ease of installation and operation.

As the leading Virtual Reality equipment manufacturer and content producer for the promotions market, StrayLight has developed three turn-key entertainment systems, 3D-XTC(tm), CyberTron(tm) , and Virtual Theaters(tm) . All entertainment systems include VR software, which can be customized with logos, special messages, characters, and sound.

StrayLight has consistent repeat business from corporate clients using Virtual Reality for special event marketing. Hennessy Cognac returned to StrayLight for a new storyline and additional stereoscopic content, as they extended their Virtual Reality promotional tour for a second year. Having traveled throughout Thailand for over one and a half years, StrayLight's 12 seat Virtual Theater(tm) has raised sales of Hennessy Cognac over 600% through on-premise events at various night clubs, bars and restaurants.

Jim Beam Brands Virtual Reality tour promoting their new liqueur, After Shock, has expanded into 5 International Markets, including Japan, Mexico, and the UK. StrayLight programmed custom visuals and audio for the specific cultures, based on the StrayLight custom designed interactive game: "Pyramid of the Ancient Astronauts", which plays on StrayLight's portable 3D-XTC(tm) entertainment platform. Each of the eight initial systems traveled to two bars every night, and visited over 45 US cities, headlining more than 4,000 events over a 9 month period.

StrayLight's promotional customers and clients include: American Express, AT&T, AVIS, Blockbuster Entertainment, CableTron Systems, Coca-Cola, Danzka Vodka, Disney Resorts, IDX, GMR Marketing, Grateful Dead, Hennessy Cognac, Hoechst Celanese, ITT Educational Services, Jim Beam Brands Co., NYNEX, Objective Systems Integrators, Oracle, People Magazine, Samsung, Steel Recycling Institute, TAP Pharmaceuticals, The American Hotel and Motel Association, USA Networks, and Westwood One.